Discovering Our Scars
Discovering Our Scars Podcast is all about one thing: honest conversations. Steph and Beth talk about things that make most people uncomfortable (religion, mental illness, sexual abuse, and more). Steph and Beth became friends when they poured their hearts out in a 12-Step recovery small group. Neither was dealing with addiction—but both had hurts, habits, and hang-ups they needed to address. Steph’s journey is detailed in her book, Discovering My Scars, and that’s the inspiration for the podcast. While the podcast is inspired by Steph’s book, the hosts expand on subjects that make each person unique. The mission of the podcast is to help people embrace the “embarrassing” parts of their lives and learn to love and value all of themselves. On the podcast, the hosts share their own experiences and invite guests to broaden the conversation by contributing their own wisdom. As in Steph’s book, the podcast does not “tell you what to do,” rather, it has the ability to inspire people through the hosts’ honest and heartfelt approach.Podcast website: dospod.us
162 episodes
In the end…What Stories Do Your Scars Tell?
Steph and Beth bring their five-year podcast journey to an end. They’ve shared a lot of honest conversations over the years and invited you to bring that conversation into your own life. This episode is no exception. Steph and Beth have shared ...
Episode 160

Discovering My Scars: Chapter 15 "Beautiful Scars"
Scars can be beautiful. The injuries that cause them might be terrible, but a scar is beautiful because it is proof of healing and growth. In this episode, Steph and Beth listen to and discuss chapter 15 of Steph’s memoir. The chapter is titled...
Episode 159

Love is NOT a Feeling
They say “love makes the world go ‘round,” but what is love? What does it mean to love someone? Steph and Beth reflect on their experiences and delve into why love is more than something we feel—it’s something we do.Show Notes
Episode 158

Discovering My Scars: Chapter 14 "Found"
More than ten years ago, Steph and her mom were painting a room in Steph’s house when a thought passed through Steph’s mind, “How cool would it be if Home Depot paid us to paint my house?” A few years later, that fleeting thought became a reali...
Episode 157

Coming Out Made Me a Better Christian (with Tracy)
In this episode, special guest Tracy shares her experience as a Christian who happens to be gay. When Tracy “came out,” she struggled to reconcile her sexuality with her belief in Christ. Like many, she was raised to believe that homosexu...
Episode 156

Discovering My Scars: Chapter 13 "Inventory"
Steph and Beth originally met at work where they did a step study, working through all 12 steps together. In this episode they listen to and discuss chapter 13 of Steph’s memoir, Discovering My Scars, where Steph talks about the revelations of ...
Episode 155

I'm not that girl
Although we sometimes say that people can’t or don’t change, the truth is, life is all about change. Hopefully, we are always growing and learning so that we can become a better version of ourselves. Beth was recently going through a box of mem...
Episode 154

Discovering My Scars: Chapter 12 "Recovery 2.0"
Chances are good that you’ve heard of “The Twelve Steps.” These are often discussed in the context of addiction recovery, but Steph and Beth both learned a lot by walking the steps as part of a step study. Each step helps you address those hurt...
Episode 153

Why Didn’t I Know I Was a Lesbian?
At age 36, Steph discovered something important about herself--she is a lesbian. Steph and Beth have an honest conversation about how heteronormativity, especially in the church, delayed Steph’s full awareness of who she is created to be. ...
Episode 152

Discovering My Scars: Chapter 11 "Faith"
Steph and Beth continue to listen to the audiobook version of Steph’s memoir, Discovering My Scars, and discuss what is revealed in chapter 11.At the end of the episode, Steph and Beth offer you these Questions for Reflection:<...
Episode 151

Discovering My Scars: Chapter 10 "Dear God"
Steph and Beth continue to listen to the audiobook version of Steph’s memoir, Discovering My Scars, and discuss what is revealed in chapter 10. In this chapter, God reveals to Steph that she was sexually abused when she w...
Episode 150

Time to Say Goodbye
Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, the kind where you wave off a piece of your life and step into the unknown? That's the heart of our latest episode, where Beth and Steph peel back the layers of emotion that accompany the goodbyes w...
Episode 149
Discovering My Scars: Chapter 9 "43,829 Hours"
In this episode of the Discovering Our Scars Podcast, hosts Beth Demme and Stephanie Kostopoulos discuss chapter 9 of Steph's memoir, "Discovering My Scars." We unveil the profound power of vulnerability as we navigate the choppy waters of past...
Episode 148

Why Do The Holidays Hit Different?
Join us, Steph and Beth, as we embark on a festive journey to explore the emotional roller coaster that is the holiday season. Ever wondered why holidays stir up such complex emotions? We'll be examining the joy, frustration, comfort, and nosta...
Episode 147

Discovering My Scars: Chapter 8 "Apple"
In this episode of the Discovering Our Scars Podcast, hosts Beth Demme and Stephanie Kostopoulos discuss chapter 8 of Steph's memoir, "Discovering My Scars." They discuss Steph's experience working at Apple and her passion for the company. They...
Episode 146

Refugees in Our Backyard? (With Kristin)
In this episode of the Discovering Our Scars podcast, hosts Beth Demme and Stephanie Kostopoulos have an honest conversation with Kristin Barnett about refugees in their community. Kristin, who works with the nonprofit organization Neighborly, ...
Episode 145

Discovering Our Scars: Chapter 7 "Aftermath"
We continue our journey with Steph through her memoir, Discovering My Scars. Steph and Beth listen to Chapter 7 of the audiobook and discuss it. In this chapter, Steph is released from the mental hospital, but then made to jump through hoops to...
Episode 144

Why Veterinarians Euthanize Themselves (with Stephanie B.)
September is Suicide Awareness Month. Veterinary professionals are significantly more likely to die by suicide than people working in other professions. Our special guest, Stephanie B., has been a vet professional for many years. She shares her...
Episode 143

Discovering My Scars: Chapter 6 "74 Hours"
We continue our journey with Steph through her memoir, Discovering My Scars. Steph and Beth listen to Chapter 6 of the audiobook and discuss it. In this chapter, Steph remains in the mental hospital, more prisoner than patient. She’s told, agai...
Episode 142

Those Aren't Your Bags to Carry
We’ve all had someone try to guilt trip us. It’s the one trip no one wants to take! In spite of that, there are times we pick up the bags packed for that trip. The thing is, a guilt trip usually isn’t about you at all; it’s about the person try...
Episode 141

Discovering My Scars: Chapter 5 "37 Hours"
We continue our journey with Steph through her memoir, Discovering My Scars. Steph and Beth listen to Chapter 5 of the audiobook and discuss it. Steph’s coping mechanism, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury (NSSI), is misunderstood by a series of professi...
Episode 140

How PRIDE Became Personal
From the beginning, Steph and Beth planned to be intentional about inviting LGBTQ voices into the conversation. Turns out, that was there all along! This is an honest conversation about a personal realization that PRIDE really is personal.<...
Episode 139

Restarting Life After Loss
Loss is part of life, but restarting after a major loss can be especially challenging. In this episode, Steph and Beth reflect on recent and long ago losses and how they interrupted life. Whether it’s the loss of a parent, sibling, friend, pet,...
Episode 138